Friday, March 28, 2014

Springtime Mountain Rain

Here is just a little something as we make ready for Spring....

Behold the wonders of a springtime mountain rain.  The kind your nose tells you is coming far before it begins. It commences early in the morning as the faint call of birds echo through the misty darkness.  From the enveloping fog and intimate clouds it appears mysteriously.  What is just a mist turns to a pitter-patter on tin roofs and the leaves of the trees.  Then comes the steady drip, drop, drip, drop—as the leaves release what they have momentarily absorbed, letting it fall to the ground. 


Meanwhile, that same ground contemplates how to respond to the rain.  It first rejects the water as it flows briskly down the mountain.  But the rain is relentless; it finds its way in and soon the ground is soaked.  No area is left untouched.  Creeks and river beds begin to flow over until the earth is teeming.


Behold the wonders of a springtime mountain rain.


Behold the wonders of God’s love, too. 


It moves through this world like an enveloping fog, leaving nothing untouched or unattended.  We catch slight hints of its fragrance as it passes through our lives.  Though it can sometimes be ignored, it often mysteriously appears and begins to engage our hearts with a gentle pitter-patter: always taking the initiative, always respecting our freedom, but ever consistent.  Sometimes when our lives take a turn for the worse, we grope for this love in all the wrong places.  And then in the midst of our despair we recognize its presence next to our beating, longing hearts.  We reach drastically to absorb it if only for a moment.  But still we find it difficult to grasp. 


Yet it never ceases to flow through our lives.  And even though the hardness of our heart can sometimes be stubborn and reject this love, we cannot help but give in to its persistence.  Soon we find that we are saturated by it.  No part of our being is left untouched.  We are filled with happiness and joy.  We drown in His presence and desire nothing more. 


Behold the wonders of God’s love, too.

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